At Cycle Financing, Corp. (CFC), we value our customers’ fundamental right to privacy, and we commit to take great care in safeguarding your personal data. Thus, we set out policies that govern the collection, use, and disclosure of our customers’ personal information.

It is presumed that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy.


Information We Collect From You


We collect personal information both through this website and through other means such as from your application forms, telephone calls, e-mails, facebook, and other communications with us. The types of personal information we collect from you include but not limited with the following information:


General identification and contact information, including spouse, if any;
Identification numbers issued by government bodies or agencies;
Financial information and account details with banks or other financial institutions;
Information enabling us to provide products and services we offer such as vehicle license plate number and model; and Co-Borrower’s information.


Why We Collect Your Personal Information


We collect and maintain personal information which is relevant and required to conduct our business effectively and to provide better customer service and products. In this respect, the following purposes for which Personal Data are to be collected and used are as follows:


  • To contact you based from the information you have provided;
  • To process your applications;
  • To assess your current and ongoing credit worthiness;
  • To assess your eligibility/capability for payment of loans;
  • To provide products and services;
  • To carry out market research, profiling, analysis and statistical research, including satisfaction surveys;
  • To comply with applicable laws and regulations such as those relating to Securities and Exchange Commission, Anti- Money Laundering Act and other laws related thereto;
  • Establish and defend legal rights;


Personal Information of Your Co- Borrower


As part of our loan services, we collect co-borrower’s personal information. It is presumed that you agree:


  • To inform the co-borrower about the content of this Privacy Policy; and
  • To obtain any legally-required consent for the collection, use, disclosure, and transfer of Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.




To process the products and services we offer to you, we need to collect and gather additional personal information from third party.


In this regard, this will serve as your consent and giving us the right to collect and gather information from any bank institutions, your employers, suppliers, agencies or any institutions you are related to in order to properly assess your application. Furthermore, you are allowing any of these above mentioned institutions to disclose any information about you that will help us in the approval of your loan application.


Who We Share Your Personal Information With


There are a variety of circumstances where we may need to disclose or share some of the information that you have provided to us. In these cases, we ensure that your personal information is disclosed on a confidential basis, and always subject to the applicable rules and regulations of the Data Privacy Act. We will never share, rent or sell your personal information to third parties except in special circumstances where you may have given your specific consent for, and as noted in this policy.


In some instances, we may be required to disclose your personal information to our agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, and other third party agencies as part of our regular business operations and for the provision of our products and services. This means that we may share your information with:


  • CFC’s affiliates to run financial credits and collections;
  • Credit Information Services, such as, but not limited to BAP Credit Bureau, Inc.;
  • Law enforcement and government agencies such as but not limited to Credit Information Corporation and Anti- Money Laundering Act;
  • Regulatory agencies, such as, but not limited to SEC, BSP, NPC, as required by law or government / State issuances;
  • Courts of justice and administrative agencies of competent jurisdiction (upon order); and
  • Other companies whom you have also given consent to share your information.


How We Protect Your Personal Information


The confidentiality and security of your personal information are very important to us. That is why we strictly enforce our privacy policy within the company and we have implemented technological, organizational and physical security measures that are designed to protect your information from unauthorized access, use, alteration and disclosure. We also put in effect safeguards such as:


  • We keep and protect your information using a secured server behind a firewall, encryption and security controls; and
  • We restrict access to your information only to qualified and authorized personnel who hold your information with strict confidentiality.


Retention Period of Personal Data


We will keep your personal information under our protection for five (5) years from the date of termination of your account consistent with Rule 9.B of 2016 Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 9160, as amended, except when you are subject of a case where your personal information must be retained and safely kept beyond the five-year period until it is officially confirmed by the AMLC Secretariat that the case has been resolved, decided or terminated with finality.


Your Choices


As the data subject, you have the right to access, to modify inaccurate data, or to object to the processing of your personal data under the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations.


If you wish to have access to your personal information in our records; or you think that such personal information we have of you is incomplete, not up-to-date, or otherwise inaccurate, please do not hesitate to contact our Data Privacy Officer through the following:


CFC’s Data Privacy Officer


Address: 2nd floor Dinar Bldg., Brgy H. Concepcion, Cabanatuan City



Privacy Policy Changes


CFC may update its Privacy Policy from time to time to comply with the changes in laws, rules and regulations and with our business requirements. We encourage you to frequently visit this page for any changes to its Privacy Policy. Your continued use of this site after any change in this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such change.


Last Updated: February 1, 2024